
Enumerating the economic and social shifts of March 2020

The ex-health impact of Covid-19

I’m not an epidemiologist so I’ll save you a poorly built model attempting to predict the future of the Covid-19. In lieu, I’m spending my isolation time tracking down various economic and social data illustrating the vast shifts and adjustments in our lives recently. Below is a sequence of time-series plots highlighting the non-health-related impact of Covid-19.

Daily NYC subway ridership drops significantly in March and Citibike initially ticked up then dropped

Data from MTA turnstiles and Citibike
2019 data has been shifted to match 2020 weekdays

Daily NYC 311 calls reflect the city’s changing atmosphere
Non-emergency police matter

Data from NYC OpenData
2019 data has been shifted to match 2020 weekdays

Daily change in American mobile phone location reveal our new normal
Retail & recreation

Data from Google Mobility Reports. United States.

Daily worldwide flights have plummeted

Data from
Includes passenger, cargo, charter, and some business jet flights

Weekly American unemployment claims have skyrocketed

Data from St. Louis Federal Reserve

Data sources

2020 April
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